2.把下载下来的红警95 3D版(450M左右)exe文件,扔进红警3根目录,你猛烈双击该exe图标即可安装!在桌面生成ra95图标,双击即可
Known Issues:
- Instead of the classic Red Alert music, I get a buzzing sound.
Fix: Set your Model Detail level to High in the Red Alert 3 Options menu. - It is impossible to start a skirmish game and the players screen is grayed out.
Fix: Try removing the Skirmish.ini file from Red Alert 3’s App Data. For
example, on Windows Vista and 7 it is often located at:
C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\Red Alert 3\Profiles\\skirmish.ini

链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1Xqi9S0tDpKt-xeGbjeWAAg 提取码:zoh3